Emergency Lighting Compliance in Brisbane and Surrounding Areas
All audits, testing, repairs and replacements are conducted in compliance with Australian Standard AS 2293.
All testing is completed by trained electricians and includes checking the AC functions of fittings and replacing lamps (where required) prior to conducting the DC discharge test. The fittings are then discharged for 90 minutes and recorded in the QEL logs which details the switchboard, circuit number and location and any non-compliant wiring issues. Fittings are also cleaned (where required) every 12 months. QEL will also complete numbering systems, drawings and labelling for fittings and circuits. Unlike many other companies, QEL understands and strives to comply with all aspects of the AS2293 standard.
Sadly there are now many new contractors completing tests and audits with non-electricians who don’t first check the AC or replace lamps on fittings (impacting the DC test results), will not clean fittings every 12 months and complete logs without essential information such as the switchboard and circuits. Many do not conform to the AS2293 Standard.
When repairing fittings QEL has a range of exchange fittings which are reconditioned fittings, cleaned and tested (for 90 minutes) with a new battery at our workshop prior to coming to site. These are exchanged/swapped with the failed fittings on site to ensure quality and compliance with AS2293.
When replacing fittings QEL only uses premium quality certified products mainly from Clevertronics. For most clients QEL installs the LP range of fittings which uses LED fittings with a premium lithium JB battery, and 2-5 year warranty. The majority of these fittings will not require repair or replacement for 10+ years. QEL will also use the L10 range for clients who want the best product available in Australia or the economy range lithium products for clients who are on a budget.
Your one stop shop for;
- Emergency Lighting Batteries
- Audits
- Testing
- Maintenance
Are your emergency and exit lights compliant? Check Now!