Managing a building may require you to follow specific standards and laws regarding emergency and exit lighting. These lights help keep occupants of your building safe and aid them in identifying and reaching exits quickly in case of an emergency.
The following checklist can be used to ensure your building is compliant. For more information, call us today at 0411 537 459 for a free consultation from a qualified emergency and exit lighting specialist.
Building Layout
1. Is there adequate light in the area where the door opens?
Although, additional emergency lighting may not be necessary if there is sufficient natural light outside an emergency exit. Emergency and exit lighting will be needed in cases where adequate natural light is not available outside the exit door.
2. Do all stairwells, fire-isolated stairways, fire-isolated ramps, or fire-isolated passageways have emergency lighting?
To provide clear visibility in an emergency, stairwells and fire escapes within your building must be equipped with an emergency lighting system.
3. Do your enclosed spaces have emergency lights?
To ensure occupants have clear visibility during a power outage, emergency lighting should be installed in enclosed areas that do not receive natural light.
4. Will the emergency lighting be illuminated if there is a power outage?
Many emergency lighting systems are equipped with backup power sources, such as batteries. This allows the light to operate even in the event of a blackout. Consult a specialised electrician for emergency and exit lighting to ensure your emergency lights will work if the main electrical supply fails or in the event of an emergency.
Emergency Exits
5. Are there at least two exits on each floor of your building?
Generally, there should be two exits on each floor of your building. However, additional exits can also be required depending on factors such as the building’s size, occupant numbers, and distance from the street.
6. Is there a clear path to reach all your emergency exits?
Exits within your building should be clear of obstructions in case of an emergency so occupants can leave quickly.
7. Do you have signage specifying occupants to clear obstructions from emergency exits?
To discourage occupants and visitors from blocking exit doors, clearly marked signage should be placed at the exits.
8. Are your exits clearly marked with lighting illuminated at all times?
To ensure visitors and occupants can identify the nearest exit in the event of an emergency, exit signs must be clearly visible and illuminated throughout the day.
Safety Lighting
9. Are your safety lights powered independently?
A backup power source is required for all safety lighting lights to continue to function in case of a power outage.
10. Do your safety lights show the way clearly?
To ensure your building is safe, all areas within your building need to be illuminated, from any spot within your building through to the building’s exits during an emergency.
Most importantly, keep your exit and emergency lighting in good working order
You should always make sure your exit lights and emergency lights are in good working order regardless of the size or occupancy of your building. Have them tested and maintained by a qualified electrician and checked at least once every six months.
As the owner or manager of the building, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your employees and occupants. The simplest things, such as emergency lighting or exit signs, can be dangerous. Regular checks will allow you to ensure that your residents are safe and that you are complying with all requirements.
Call us today at 0411 537 459 to get a free quote for our emergency lighting service or for more information about our exit light services.